
Local Rehab Gives Exclusive into Bipolar Relapse

New Port Richey, FL – Clean Recovery Centers is a local rehab center for substance use disorders and mental health conditions. Their latest blog post gives an exclusive insight into bipolar relapse and how the disorder can affect life. With a unique, three-phase approach to care, the team at Clean Recovery Centers treats co-occurring disorders along the Suncoast.

“The way that bipolar disorder works is by altering mood into highs and lows. The highs come in the form of mania and hypomania, where the person has high energy levels, increased productivity, impulsivity, and an invincible attitude. The lows revolve around depression, where feelings of sadness, guilt, emptiness, and shame are common. The person will cycle through these episodes and may experience symptoms of both at the same time. Between episodes, the person may return to a baseline, where they are not feeling high or low, but this does not happen for everyone.

Bipolar disorder episodes can cease for a period of time, lasting weeks, months, or even years. However, they can resurface, even if a care team is helping you manage your bipolar disorder. This is what a bipolar relapse is, and it can cause added stress in your life,” the blog reads.

Bipolar disorder triggers can lead to a flare-up of symptoms. Medications are often utilized to manage bipolar symptoms, and when stopped abruptly or without a doctor’s orders, can trigger a relapse. This includes both manic and depressive symptoms. Lifestyle can also cause a bipolar relapse even if the condition is well managed. Substance use causes interactions with medications and makes them less effective. This includes drinking alcohol, taking illicit substances, or even ingesting too much caffeine. Lack of proper sleep is also a trigger of a mood episode. Poor diet can lead to depressive episodes and trigger mania.

“Bipolar disorder involves mood changes that cycle through manic, hypomanic, and depressive episodes. Each involves their own set of symptoms and their own signs of relapse:

Mania symptoms are talking fast, feeling elated, feeling restless, taking excessive risks, having an excessive sense of knowledge or power, experiencing psychosis, feeling more irritated than normal, needing less sleep, having difficulties concentrating, and experiencing racing thoughts.

Hypomania includes feeling happy or euphoric, impulsively spending or eating, increasing focus on goals and achievements, feelings of high self-esteem, fidgeting more than usual, being aggressive, having lowered inhibitions, and changing sleep patterns

Depressive episodes are characterized by feeling down or empty, increased tiredness, difficulty making decisions, feeling fatigued, losing interest in hobbies or activities, withdrawing from social situations, feeling cranky without reason, sudden appetite changes such as eating too much or too little, and feeling aches and pains with no known cause,” the blog continues.

Bipolar disorder can cause mood changes rapidly, and it is possible to notice the signs of relapse as they change into an episode. Feeling the signs of a bipolar relapse indicates a need for care to improve. Treatment teams will help navigate what triggered the returning symptoms and how to manage them moving forward.

Clean Recovery Centers is well-versed in mental health conditions including bipolar disorder. Their team includes proven therapies such as cognitive behavioral in conjunction with nutritional counseling and yoga. Not only do they treat bipolar disorder, but Clean Recovery Centers treats co-occurring substance use disorders as well as other mental health conditions.

To learn more about Clean Recovery Centers, call (888) 330-2532 or visit their website.


For more information about Clean Recovery Centers - New Port Richey, contact the company here:

Clean Recovery Centers - New Port Richey
Terri Boyer
(727) 766-0503
9270 Royal Palm Ave
New Port Richey, FL 34654